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Upper Room

Kick-Off 2020

August 19

Water Purifier & Glass


Wednesday, August 19

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Fire, Games, & More!

Meet outside the Youth Center (Across from Admin Office)

~ 6161 Chambersburg Rd, Huber Heights, OH ~

COVID-19 Guidelines

  • Participants should be 6ft apart at all times

  • Please wash your hands or use hand sanitizers before events (Hand sanitizer will be made available at events)

  • Masks are required

    • It may be medically necessary for some individuals to not wear a mask. It will be assumed that this is the case if an individual does not wear one.

  • Please bring your own personal items (Lawnchairs, snacks, drinks, etc.)


Our Guidelines were created to be in close compliance with Archdiocesan and State recommendations. Please click the following link for a list of the entire recommendations from the Archdiocese that we will be following for this events and future events to come.

(Full Recommendations)

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