A message from Fr. Ambrose to Young People
I just wanted to write a little something to give you all some encouragement in this time. A lot of the stuff we normally do to keep a good, stable life going is missing right now, and so I think it’s good to put a special effort into trying to be good and help one another.
I would really like to encourage you all to pray. We’ve been talking about prayer this semester, looking at different ways to do it and also how important it is for our lives. Since a lot of the stuff we normally do is canceled, it’s a good time to put that into practice! And, in the current circumstances, when the danger of loneliness and boredom are higher than normal, it is absolutely critical that we reach out to God. You can get a lot by staying in touch with friends and interacting with your family, but you cannot replace the peace and love you can find in God through prayer at this time. Now is the time! Practice your prayer.
Take some time to encourage one another, too. We live in a time when it’s very easy to stay in contact with each other, even if we aren’t together. Make use of the opportunity to talk with others that we presently have! Make a special effort to really communicate with one another, and not just chat. It’d be good to ask one another for specific things to pray for.
Know that I’m praying for you all, and keeping you in mind at every Mass I say, even if you can’t attend.
Confessions are still available at the normal times on Saturdays, and we have adoration every Friday from 9 am-4 pm, so you can pray with our Lord in the Eucharist.
God bless,
Fr. Ambrose
Resources While at Home!
Damascus Live (Catholic Summer Youth Camp)
Damascus Live provides youth and families opportunities to experience Catholic Summer Youth Camp from the comforts of their own homes. Tune in for their regularly live updates, times of prayer, and Night Live ministry events. (Facebook Link - YouTube Channel Link)
Culture Project
Great content on living into today's culture and striving for the plan God's originally had for us as a people. (YouTube Link)
Upper Room (HS Ministry) Zoom Calls
Click here to learn more about the Zoom calls for high school youth!
Good Shows/Movies on Netflix
Here are some recommendations for some good shows on Netflix. Fr. Brown is a BBC series that follows the tales of a mystery solving priest. The Good Place is a comedy set in the afterlife.
Fr. Mike & Ascension Presents
Fr. Mike Schmitz and a team of others provide amazing and quality videos presenting lots good catholic information and reflections. Click here to get Fr. Mikes take on COVID-19. (Ascension Presents Link)
Pints with Aquinas
For those who are more philosophically minded and like debating, checking out Pints with Aquinas is strongly recommended. Matt Fradd provides awesome conversations regarding philosophy and our Catholic faith. Click here to hear his take on the coronavirus crisis. (Matt Fradd YouTube Link)
Parents & Catholic Living
The website Catholic All Year provides blogs for Catholic families and living. Check out this specific blog on having you school kids at home now until the foreseeable future. (Catholic All Year Link)
Participating in Mass at Home
Another great blog from Catholic All Year talks about participating in mass while at home (Click Here). Also, you can check out this video that offers tips as well!
Dear Young People, Parents, & Friends
We pray that you are all well and adjusting to the changing and trying times we are experiencing. It is our hope that, as a youth ministry, we are able to continue to provide you and your families with opportunities to grow closer to our Lord despite the lack of the ability to actually meet in person. Please share the links at the bottom of our page with those you think would be interested in staying connected while social distancing restrictions are still being applied. We have a Facebook page for parents of youth in both DOC's and the Upper Room (High School Ministry). Additionally, there is a link to our Instagram page for youth. Let us know if you have any ideas on connecting as a community or if you have any questions. Lastly, please know of our continued prayers for you and your families!
Dayton Region XII Youth Ministry